
New Doctors Surgery, Locking, WSM

Client: TPS Construction Ltd February 22 To erect and dismantle fully boarded independent scaffolding. 5:3 board configuration using traditional scaffolding methods allowing roof coverings to progress early to enable internal

Bristol Grammar School

July 22 Erection of fully boarded independant scaffolding built in Haki universal system to the external perimeter of the English block for access to allow stone work cleaning and repairs,

Bristol Cathedral, College Green

Client Bristol Cathedral June 22 Supply and erect of 2 designed independant scaffoldlings. Built using Haki universal system to enable speakers to be positioned during a 3 year restoration  period

Phoenix House, Bristol

Ashton Scaffolding Services provided scaffolding to the full perimeter and a temporary roof to a 10 storey residential block owned by Bristol City Council.  The scaffold was needed for access

Factory 1, Bedminster

Scaffolding erected for the building of various blocks which ran concurrently with one another including HAKI staircases and design loading bays. Services providedAshton Scaffolding used the following services with Factory

Regents House, Bedminster

Client: City & Country May 2021 Fully boarded independant scaffolding erected on a busy high street to enable facade repairs, wash down and window replacement. Designed timber chute for demolition

Site Cabin Gangtry, Bath Rd, Bristol

Client MD Group May 2021 Design gangtry scaffold to allow contractors cabin to be sited over a bus stop which had to be kept operational at all times during the

Baynton House, Lawrence Hill, Bristol

Ashton Scaffolding Services provided scaffolding to the full perimeter and a temporary roof to a 12 storey residential block owned by Bristol City Council.  The scaffold was needed for access